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XamDataGrid changing text in cells for a column using multibinding, has to be twoway


I have an implementation where XamDataGrid is being used. In the XamDataGrid I have a column where the value (a number) is to be changed to a corresponding text given some states.

First of all I need to have the multibinding as twoway for it to work ? If using oneway for the multibinding then it stops working.

Secondaylly, it works initially, but when editing a row, which changes the state, sometimes the number is shown instead of the text and this happens when the ConvertBack is called. I really have difficulties to implement a convertBack due to the logic, so I would like to have this to work with oneway. Se below code, where the TypeIdToTextConverter is twoway, and doesn't work if set to oneway.

                            <dP:Field Name="RecordType" FixedLocation="FixedToNearEdge" Width="70">

                                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamTextEditor}">
                                                <Setter Property="Value">
                                                        <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource TypeIdToTextConverter}" >
                                                            <Binding Path="Cells[RecordType].Value" Mode="OneWay"/>
                                                            <Binding Path="Cells[NonVerifiedData].Value" Mode="OneWay"/>
                                                            <Binding Path="Cells[NormalOperation].Value" Mode="OneWay"/>
                                                            <Binding Path="Cells[CompleteRecord].Value" Mode="OneWay"/>
                                                            <Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource AncestorType=dP:XamDataGrid}"  Path="DataContext.DowntimeRecordState" Mode="OneWay"/>

How can I make this work ?