I'm trying to have an AddNewRow record on the top fixed location.
After setting both properties in FieldLayoutSettings and running my app, it shows the column header, the AddNewRow record below it and then again the column headers (is there any way to attach screenshots to this forum posts?)
I can't click nor edit the AddNewRow record.
When using Snoop I've noticed the grid has two FieldLayouts instead of just the one I have declared in XAML.
My datasource is a BindingList and the items have a public default constructor and public property setters for the fields bound to such properties.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your post.
I have been looking into it. I created sample application based on your scenario and I could not managed to reproduce the behavior that you have described. If you are not able to reproduce the issue with the attached sample application, would you please modify it with the functionality, that you are using, so it reproduces the issue and send it back to me. This way I would be able to further investigate this for you and provide you with more detailed information on this matter.
You can try to send your attachments by using Internet Explorer and send them as zip file in order to ensure that the files will be received successfully. You can attach the zip file by click on the ‘Replay’ button and then select ‘Options’ tab. You can use ‘Add/Update’ button to attach file you want.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for looking into this.
We've fixed it. I don’t know why but the grid didn’t like the items deriving from an interface which itself derives from another one.
I have had to change the type of the BindingList from BindingList<IChild> to BindingList<IParent> and move some properties up.
Thank you for your feedback.
I am glad that you resolved your issue and I believe that other community members may benefit from this as well.If you require any further assistance on the matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.