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Create Series dynamically via MVVM Binding

We have purchased Infragistics WPF Controls and I'm not able to create series dynamically using MVVM.

Is there a way to do it withour code-behind ? I want to use the same axis for my collection od Column Series add a legend and ToolTips. Please provide for me an MVVM-Friendly solution !

Thanks ! 

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  • 34430
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Nassim,

    Thank you for your post.

    To achieve your requirement, I would recommend that you take a look at the following forum thread:

    I realize that some of the posts on that forum thread reference the XamChart, which is a much older control, but further down the thread you will notice some posts from user [Infragistics] Graham Murray regarding a SeriesBinder behavior. This behavior allows dynamic creation of XamDataChart series in an MVVM way.

    As much of the code on that forum thread is somewhat difficult to read, I have created a sample project using the SeriesBinder to create ColumnSeries dynamically with a legend and tooltips. This sample project is attached to this post. I hope it helps you.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer
    Infragistics Inc.
