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Filtering RichTextEditorCommandType from executing or not when using the rich text editor

Hey Guys,

I see that the following command types are supported by the xamRichTextEditor.

Could you show me the best way to filter these commands? We dont want to handle every edge case in something like a preview key handler. It would be better to just filter by command type and choosing whether to let it execute or not.


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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Tyler,

    I am rather unsure of what you are trying to achieve in this case. Would it be possible for you to please provide some more information on what exactly you mean by "filtering" the commands of the XamRichTextEditor?

    From your description, though, it sounds like you just wish to prevent these commands from executing. These commands won't execute on your end without you invoking them, but many of them may be called by the internal code of the XamRichTextEditor control, and this would not be able to be helped without modification of the source code of the control. Again, though, I am rather unsure if this is what you are referring to, and so any additional information on what exactly you mean by "filtering the commands" of the XamRichTextEditor would be very helpful.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer

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