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How to remove Top-Level XamDataTreeNode through XamDataGrid without data source deletion

I'm now inter-working XamDataGrid and XamDataTree using same data source.

When level changes level of non top-level node to another level through XamDataGrid, It's very well moved.

But, when level changes top-level node to another level through XamDataGrid, That node remains TOP-LEVEL of tree and same shape (= same data) is placed where suitable place.

So, I remove that top-level-node in programmatically when level changes top-level-node through (XamDataTree object).Nodes.Remove(), That data has unusable..

How to remove top-level node through other controls (or programmatically)......

  • 2155
    Offline posted

    Hello Hyung Soo,

    If XamDataTree's ItemsSource is bound to a data source, removing a node means removing the corresponding data from the data source.

    You are not able to remove a node but keep the data in the data source.

    I have attached a sample that demonstrates removing a top-level node from XamDataTree programmatically.

    Let me know if I may be of further assistance.

    Thank you,
    Mihoko Kamiishi