We are using the GetGeographicFromZoom(xamGeoMap.ActualWindowRect) to get the current geographic view and zoom and then persist this view.
When the user re-opens the Map, we need to Zoom back to the original view the user had.
To do this we use:
xamGeoMap.WindowRect = xamGeoMap.GetZoomFromGeographic(Settings.WindowRect); // Settings.WindowsRect being the rect we got from GetGeographicFromZoom as above.
This works to a certain extend, except that the Zoom is slightly zoomed out further than saved.
The map is center, but slightly zoomed out further than when we saved the current rect.
Are we approaching this incorrectly? Are we using the correct methods to persist and restore the viewport on the map?
Please advise urgently...
Hello Key360,
I have created a private case for you, starting with 186803. You could reach your case following the link bellow:
https://www.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity I will update you via the mentioned case, so if you have any further questions or comments please update your case.
Hello Chris,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. My team and I have reviewed the sample and we've determined that this is most likely an issue with the component and not the sample. At this time I have created a private case to follow up with you regarding my investigation.
I have created a private case for you, starting with ID 188089. You could reach your case following the link bellow:
I can also confirm that this is an issue. You can even see it happen in the IG samples application in the favorites example you describe. Zoom to a location and click add to favorite and then you'll see that the map immediately zooms out a bit due to the recently added favorite becoming selected in the list.
I am also facing this issue as I need to save the current windowRect and re-apply it when users re-enter this map view. I haven't found a great workaround yet so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for following up.
I very much would like to debug your application. Please provide your code or a sample that reproduces the behavior and I'll investigate this with my team.
The workaround was not accurate at all.
We have decided to go with another provider