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Create tooltip in code behind using a tooltip structure from XAML

Instead of tooltip with 2 lines i see hint of mouse roll over. Can someone help me plz? Bindings can only be done in codebehind

XAML- Grid.Resources


private void SetStyle()
Style _rightAlignedstyle = CreateOpenOrderStyle($"{nameof(DataRecord.DataItem)}.{nameof(RIViewModel.Node)}", (Style)_grid.TryFindResource("CellValuePresenterStyle"));
_grid.FieldLayouts[0].Fields[4].Settings.CellValuePresenterStyle = _rightAlignedstyle;

private Style CreateOpenOrderStyle(string node_, Style basedon_)

var _RMTooltip = (ToolTip)_grid.TryFindResource("RMTooltip")
Style style = new Style { TargetType = typeof(CellValuePresenter), BasedOn = basedon_ };
var stackPanel_ = (Panel)_RMTooltip.Content;

var children_ = stackPanel_.Children;
if (children_.Count == 2)
var descriptionTxtBlock = (TextBlock)children_[0];
descriptionTxtBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding($"{node_}.{nameof(INode.Description)}"));
var settleTxtBlock = (TextBlock)children_[1];
settleTxtBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding($"{node_}.{nameof(INode.TradePx)}"));

style.Setters.Add(new Setter(CellValuePresenter.ToolTipProperty, _RMTooltip));
return style;

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