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DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer workaround is not working properly - cells after cell1 are not accessible


We recently upgraded to the newest Version 2017 Volume 2.

We included DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.ProcessCellsInViewOnly = false to be able to use our CodedUI tests again. We can now access cells by AutomationId again (using the CodedUi Find() Method)

Our problem is that we cannot access cells by other UITestControl.SearchProperties like ColumnHeader above the first cell in a row. So we can retrieve the first cell, but not any other on the same row.

If we try to call row.GetChildren() we also only retrieve the first cell in that row, the other cells still seem to be virtualized.


Please give us any information since we rely on accessing cells in multiple ways.

Thanks and regards

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    Hello Udo,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Please clarify what issues you are having and how they were identified. eg. MS Inspect tool. Setting ProcessCellsInViewOnly to false is no longer required as it's the default behavior in the latest service release for 17.2 and later. You may benefit from setting ProcessRecordsInViewOnly to false.

    But it's possible you may be running into issues that we recently fixed awaiting to be published in our next service release.

    1. Refined automation peer logic handling CellsInViewChanged event processing when we are virtualizing cell peers

    2. Changed the default of the DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.ProcessCellsInViewOnly static property to false.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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