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XamDataGrid moving single field


I'm using XamDataGrid and I need to block the moving of single field programmatically. Is there any way to do this?

I try to follow the documentation ( but it doesn't work for me because or it blocks all fields or allows to move all fields.

Thank you!


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  • 12480
    Offline posted

    Hi Laurent,

    It is not possible to block movement for individual fields, since the user would simply be able to move other fields around that field and effectively get the field where they wanted it, albeit in a more difficult way. That being said, xamDataGrid does off the ability to fix fields, which locks them to edge of the grid. You can read about how to use this feature here:

    Please let me know if fixed fields will meet your application requirement. If not, please describe your requirement in more detail and I will do what I can to help you meet it.

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