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xamComboEditor ig vs igEditors

Why if i use xamComboEditor from igEditors he not have "autocomplete" options as in ig namespace, but if i use xamComboEditor from ig, i not have DropDownButtonStyle and more?

What are the differences ig and igEditors, and what i need use?

  • 34430
    Verified Answer
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    Hello Alesey,

    There are two XamComboEditor elements in the Infragistics for WPF toolbox. One, the Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor (in the "igEditors" namespace) was designed as a "WPF-specific" input for the XamDataGrid control. This control is currently does not have the ability of multiple selection or auto-complete, and I would only really recommend usage of it if you are using a XamDataGrid with a combo-box Field. For more on the Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor, I would recommend seeing the following:

    The other XamComboEditor, the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamComboEditor, has multiple selection and auto-complete options. If you are not using the XamDataGrid or need multiple selection, I would recommend usage of this. This combo editor was originally designed as a cross-platform combo box between Silverlight and WPF, and you can read further about it here:

    As for which one you should use for a particular requirement, that really depends on the requirement. Would it be possible for you to please provide some additional information about what functionality you are trying to meet in this case so I may make a more direct recommendation in this case?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.