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Text below visible area of Cell when editing

I have following Problem when using a XamDataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection.

When i use a regular TextField to Display Data, the Text seems to be moved below the visible area while editing. The Text itself is correct and is being transfered to the Collection, however it is Kind of annoying not being able to see what you are typing:

However, when i use a MaskedTextField it Shows the Behaviour i want.:

Code of the DataGrid:

<custom:XamDataGrid Name="InvPosDisplay" Grid.Column="2" DataSource="{Binding LoadedPositions}" >
                    <custom:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" AllowAddNew="True" AddNewRecordLocation="OnTop"/>
                    <custom:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True" LabelClickAction="SortByMultipleFields" DataValueChangedNotificationsActive="True" />
                    <custom:GridViewSettings />

                        <custom:TextField Name="INV_NR" Label="INV_NR" AllowEdit="False" Width="80" ></custom:TextField>
                        <custom:TextField Name="INV_DAT" Label="INV_DAT" AllowEdit="False"></custom:TextField>
                        <custom:TextField Name="ART_NR" Label="ART_NR" Width="70"></custom:TextField>
                        <custom:MaskedTextField Name="ART_BEZ" Label="ART_BEZ" Width="170"></custom:MaskedTextField>
                        <custom:NumericField Name="ART_MENGE_FREI" Label="ART_MENGE_FREI" Width="100">
                                <custom:FieldSettings EditorType="{x:Type custom:XamNumericEditor}" >
                                        <Style  TargetType="{x:Type custom:XamNumericEditor}">
                                            <Setter Property="Mask" Value ="{}{double:9.5}"/>

Is there a Way i can have the TextField display my text the same way as the MaskedTextfield does?