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ActualInterval is not updated for NumericYAxis


I am facing a problem with XamDataChart (NumericXAxis and NumericYAxis). Data is dynamic loaded but XamDataChart  is placed in a non-selected TabPage. Moreover, NumericYAxis maximum and minimum are set (code behind) depending on the loaded data range. 

If XamDataChart is visible, visually NumericYAxis has a correct interval, but in code behind, ActualInterval [] is not updated; it belongs to the previously loaded data.

The following are a summary of my chart settings:

  • Horizontal/Vertical Zoom is Enabled
  • Y Axis Label Settings Location is "OutsideLeft"
  • Chart Series Clear() is called each time a new data is loaded

Any idea how to enforce updating ActualInterval property? 

I am using  Infragistics WPF UItimate   (version 18.1.20181.176).

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