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XamCarouselPanel with a touch screen


Is XamCarouselPanel (or any Carousel) supposed to work with a touch screen, like XamDataGrid does already ? If no, are there any guide on how to implement it ? (pan left / right to navigate, and a simple click)

By the way, how do you programmatically go to the next  / previous item ? There are properties like "CanNavigateToNextItem", but couldn't find how to actually navigate.


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    From my understanding our wpf controls inherently have some touch support while some controls have touch in mind, such as our XamDataGrid. There are actually quite a few carousel controls/views at your disposal. Unfortunately I would need to test them on Monday to provide accurate results. Most of these controls have a IsTouchSupportEnabled property that you can set to true.

    * XamDataGrid's Carousel View <== I would try this first. See below
    * XamDataCarousel <== Similar API to XamDataGrid
    * XamCarouselListBox
    * XamCarouselPanel


    <igDP:XamDataPresenter x:Name="XamDataPresenter1" IsTouchSupportEnabled="true">
    <igDP:CarouselView />

    As an alternative you can use our Windows Forms UltraCarousel that supports touch as well.
