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How to set the width property for a column in a table of type Infragistics.Document.RichText.TableNode ?

I have a  Infragistics.Document.RichText.TableNode object, for which i need to set Settings on a column level , to extend the  width property.

And this table is being associated as the content of the richtexteditor

Snippet of code used:

if (error == null)
foreach (TableRowNode trn in tn.ChildNodes)
cCol = 0;
foreach (TableCellNode tcn in trn.ChildNodes)
ParagraphNode pn = tcn.ChildNodes[0] as ParagraphNode;
textNode = new TextNode();
textNode.Text = dt.Rows[cRow][cCol].ToString();
rn = new RunNode();
if(cRow == 3 && cCol >=2 & cCol <= 11)
rn.Settings = new CharacterSettings() {Bold = true, };

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