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on resizing window the user control should automatically resize

Hi Team,

i have problem while resizing the window. 

I have a window inside that i have a grid inside that im using a user control.  when im resizing the window the user control content tables and  buttons on xamdatagrid are not resizing automatically. 

I tried with the below code and it is not working.

1) This is in the window


<Views:InstrumentPickerView x:Name="InstrumentPicker"/>

2) This is in the user control


<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<igDP:XamDataGrid Theme="Aero" x:Name="XamDataPresenter1" Height="160" DataSource="{Binding user, Mode=OneWay}"
Grid.Row="0" Margin="5" Grid.Column="1" GroupByAreaLocation="None" ActiveDataItem="{Binding Selecteuser}">



is there anything im missing here.

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  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello Ram,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    First you are setting a fixed height on the grid, so not matter what happens to the container of the grid the grid height will remain the same unless changed in code. Next because you have the grid in a stack panel with orientation set to horizontal and inside another stack pannel the width of the grid will only take up the space required for its columns and not anymore.
