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XamDataGrid not showing in datasource dropdown nor in customize

I'm trying to use the xamdatagrid option but when creating a new datasource I should have a choice in the dropdown for xamdatagrid which I don`t and then I should have the choice either in the customize window! I just created a new project WPF framework.4.72 on an SQL database! I also tried it on a local access database! 

I'm new to Infragistics and am looking at the "Adding a Data Grid in WPF"  tutorial! 

However I do see the xamdatagrid in the toolbox. 


  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Pete,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are reporting, and it appears that either something changed with the Visual Studio designers or perhaps the “Adding a DataGrid in WPF” tutorial you are referencing is leaving something out.

    What I feel could be the thing that is left out in this case is the need to add the assemblies to the references of your project prior to trying to assign the XamDataGrid to the data source. For reference, these assemblies are:


    After doing this, I was able to see the XamDataGrid as well as the other types within these assemblies in the “Customize” menu.

    It is worth noting that the tutorial you are referencing also was posted in 2013, and may be out of date. Going forward, you may do better with our online documentation, here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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