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Tooltip of ApplicationMenu2010Item will popup when mouse hover on the control in ApplicationMenu2010Item.Content

I find that  ApplicationMenu2010Item will popup when mouse hover on the control in ApplicationMenu2010Item.Content. In following snapshot, I add a tooltip for 'Info'. When I move the mouse to the content of ApplicationMenu2010Item, it popup the tooltip 

I change code like:

<igRibbon:ApplicationMenu2010Item KeyTip="I" ToolTip="AAA"
Header="{Binding Source={StaticResource RibbonStrings}, Path=XWR_Info}">

I think you can reproduce the behavior in your sample code

Is there anyway to stop the behavior? It is strange to user.

  • 2155
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Shengjie,

    If you wish to show a tooltip only on a menu item header, I suggest you re-template ApplicationMenu2010Item style and set up ToolTip property on a Grid element inside its ControlTemplate.
    You can check the default style of ApplicationMenu2010Item in the following file.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2019.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Ribbon\RibbonGeneric.xaml

    I have attached a sample that demonstrates this approach.
    You will see the tooltip pops up when you hover the mouse over "Tab 1" header there.

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