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xamdataGrid with PNG images exporting to Excel

I havea  XamDatagrid with fields in some columsn and PNG icons as ImageFields in otrher columns.  These are green UP and red Down arrows.

When I export thee to Excel using the Excel exporter, the imags appear correctly in the spreadsheet, but I get loads of exceptions thrown  - something to do with Bitmap.Media.

This slows it down very significantly, but it eventually gets there and gives me the result I want.

Should i be using a different format of image file, or should I be doing something differently ?

Here is a sample of my XAML 

<ig:Field Label="Cases"
AlternateBinding="{Binding Casesthisyear, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" Format="##,###,###">
<ig:FieldSettings AllowHiding="Default" AllowEdit="False" Width="auto" />

<ig:Field Label="Cases LY"
AlternateBinding="{Binding Caseslastyear, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" Format="##,###,###">
<ig:FieldSettings AllowHiding="Default" AllowEdit="False" Width="auto" />

<ig:ImageField AlternateBinding="{Binding Casesthisyearicon, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="25" ImageHeight="15" ImageWidth="20" />

Casesthisyearicon will contain one of 3 values, such as 


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    Offline posted

    Hello Gordon,

    Thank you for your post. Are you getting these images from your underline datasource ? If so, then can you change your AlternateBinding to name binding , something like this , and check if you still getting these Bitmap.Media exception?

    <igDP:ImageField Name="Casesthisyearicon" ImageHeight="30" ImageWidth="30" />

    If you still getting the exceptions , the best way for us to assist you is if you provide a small isolated sample that we can run and use for debugging locally.

    Divya Jain

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