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XamTreeGrid live sorting with TemplateField and alternate binding with property chain


I create a new question instead since the old one  was asked so long time ago. original question here:

I have a XamTreeGrid with live sorting but when I changed my binding in my template fields to AlternateBindings with a property chain the live sorting stopped to work. I tried with the code where it was working and only changed the binding to AlternateBinding and it worked as long as I specified the "Name" property on the template field. This did not work with a property chain. Is there a way to solve this?

Before change:

<ig:TemplateField Name="MyProperty"
DisplayTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}">
SortComparer="{StaticResource MySortComparer}" />

After change:

<ig:TemplateField Label="My Property" Name="MyClass.MyProperty"
AlternateBinding="{Binding Path=MyClass.MyProperty}"
DisplayTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}">
SortComparer="{StaticResource MySortComparer}" />