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How to set VerticalAlignment for ToolWindowCloseButtonStyle and the ToolWindowCaption?


In my application i am using xamDockManager, where there a content pane which can float. Once we drag and make it Floating window, its Close button and Header caption looks like their VerticalAlignment is set to "Bottom"

In the picture below VerticalAlignment of Caption "Pane 2" and Close Button look like are set to be bottom. 

I have referred a sample provided here and created a AppResources.xaml file and added styling to that file, My requirement what  style is to be added to AppResources.xaml file so that the caption and the close button in the tool window should be "Center" aligned.

Kind Regards,

  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello Sachin,

    I am under the impression that this forum thread is essentially a duplicate to one of the points that were made in a recent forum thread that was submitted, here. If my impression is incorrect, please let me know, but the styling of ToolWindow you have provided is very similar to the one in the other thread.

    I would recommend that you take a look at my answer to point 3 along with the sample project that is attached to my response in the above forum thread that demonstrates how to modify the alignment of the caption of the tool window.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.