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Mixing xamCarouselListBox and MenuTool

I'm pretty new to WPF and I'm attempting to use a xamCarouselListBox to display addresses in an interesting way, but I'd like my users have some menu items when they click on a data item.  Unfortunately, While I can can get the MenuTool objects to display and rotate nicely, clicking on one to bring up the menu items results in a NullReferenceException. 

 Here is a small snippet of what I'm trying to do:

<igWindows:XamCarouselListBox x:Name="xclAddress" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Address.Addresses}">



<igRibbon:MenuTool Background="AliceBlue"

Caption="{Binding Converter={StaticResource addressConverter}, ConverterParameter=True}">

<igRibbon:ButtonTool Caption="Edit" Click="EditAddress_Click" />

<igRibbon:ButtonTool Caption="Delete" />





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  • 9694


    I would suspect there might be a dependency built into the Ribbon MenuTool. I suggest a few things. Post a reproducible project which demonstrates the bug and we can debug it and get back to you or submit the issue with developer support and they can try to reproudce the issue and give you a definitive response.

     Thank you,

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