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Remove Group level Summary Row in XamDataGrid.

Hi Team,

I'm using Infragistics 20.2.16 version to develop applicaton in WPF. I have nested grouping in XamDataGrid but I want to show the Grand level summaryrow but not each group level summary row. But I need the summary row at grouping level row.

I using DataArea="InGroupByRecord,FixedBottom". Please see in image attached to remove the yellow hightlight area.

Thank You,


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  • 34430
    Verified Answer
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    Hello Dinesh,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve, and in order to do this, I would recommend that you keep your DataArea set as it is and write a Style for SummaryRecordPresenter. In this Style, you can add a DataTrigger that binds to the Description property of the SummaryRecord and goes to an IValueConverter to evaluate it.

    The summary at the very bottom of your grid in the screenshot you have provided will have a Description of “Grand Summaries” and the converter will not fire for the ones in the group-by rows because they are not SummaryRecordPresenters. As such, if you make a check for “Grand Summaries” in your converter and return something that can be checked in the DataTrigger for the other SummaryRecordPresenters, you can set the other one’s heights to zero to prevent them from being shown.

    I am attaching a sample project to demonstrate the above.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
