I have xamdocmanager, insider that xamdatagrid is available.
the elements are as follows -
XamDockManager -> SplitPane -> ContentPane -> Grid -> ContentControl -> Xamdatagrid
I am facing strange issue. I am not able to type in xamdatagrid filter cell when docmanager -splitpane is flot enabled.
But it's working when docmanager- splitpane is dock.
Here I attached sample code. It's working in sample code. But similar code in project it's not working.
May I know what could be the issue? Or How to find root cause?
<dockManager:XamDockManager Width="800" Theme="IGTheme"> <dockManager:XamDockManager.Panes> <dockManager:SplitPane dockManager:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedLeft" SplitterOrientation="Horizontal" Width="350"> <dockManager:ContentPane Header="Information" CloseButtonVisibility="Collapsed" WindowPositionMenuVisibility="Collapsed"> <Grid> <ContentControl> <ign:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Employees, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" GroupByAreaLocation="None" Margin="0,20,0,0" SelectedDataItemsScope="RecordsOnly"> <ign:XamDataGrid.FieldSettings> <ign:FieldSettings AllowEdit="False" CellClickAction="SelectRecord" AllowRecordFiltering="True" /> </ign:XamDataGrid.FieldSettings> <ign:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <ign:FieldLayoutSettings AutoFitMode="ExtendLastField" AutoGenerateFields="False" SelectionTypeRecord="Single" /> </ign:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <ign:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> <ign:FieldLayout IsDefault="True"> <ign:FieldLayout.Fields> <ign:Field Name="Id" Label="Id" Width="InitialAuto" /> <ign:Field Name="Name" Label="Name" Width="InitialAuto" /> </ign:FieldLayout.Fields> </ign:FieldLayout> </ign:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> </ign:XamDataGrid> </ContentControl> </Grid> </dockManager:ContentPane> </dockManager:SplitPane> </dockManager:XamDockManager.Panes> <StackPanel Background="AntiqueWhite"> </StackPanel> </dockManager:XamDockManager>
Thank you for posting on our forums.
I have tested the provided code on my end, but as you have already stated, it is working as intended. Unfortunately without a sample reproducing the problem one could only guess what might be the reason and in our case, we wont even know if we are on the right track as we have nothing to test our theory.
I have attached the file that worked on my end. Please use it and start applying styles you have in our app one by one until the problem re-creates. If this doesn't help, check what events you are intercepting, as you might be canceling the click propagation and it may not be reaching the filter cell.
Once the problem has been re-created, please attach the modified sample so we can have a further look.
Tihomir TonevAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics