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Performance of ScatterAreaSeries


There seems to be quite a delay in showing the series. Not sure whether is expected or missing something.

I have attached sample for you to look at.


Also i attempted to convert Point3D to TriangulationSource, but nothings showing up.


Please advise


VS 2022

Infragistics 22.2

Link to example using a .NET 7 project

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Gabriel,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing with the sample project you have provided, and you have the right idea of how to speed up the performance of the ScatterAreaSeries by pre-triangulating the data and providing your own TriangulationSource.

    If this doesn’t happen, like is done in your button click, you will see a little bit of a delay. This is from the chart having to do the triangulation itself, and depending on the number of points that you have in your underlying data source, this can certainly take some time.

    I have modified the sample project you sent to show two charts so you can see the time difference between pre-triangulating and letting the chart triangulate the data. The pieces you were missing with the TriangulationSource were that you need to set the TrianglesSource and ItemsSource of the series to the TriangulationSource.Triangles and TrianglesSource.Points, respectively. Additionally, you need to set the TriangleVertexMemberPath properties on the series along with the X / Y / Color member paths to correspond to the pre-triangulated Triangles and Points collections. Again, I have attached a modified sample for clarity on this.

    I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.