We are trying to strictly implement MVVM in our application which uses the xamDataGrid extensively. For instance when you click on a button we are able to call a method in our associated ViewModel class using the standard binding syntax:<Button Name="btnAddTrade" Command="{Binding Path=AddTrade}" />This works fine for button clicks etc. where you can specify a "Command" (which is a DelegateCommand in the associated ViewModel class.Even works for right click items on the xamDataGrid such as:<MenuItem Header="Split" Name="cmnuSplitTrade" Command="{Binding Path=SplitCommand}" /> My question is - how to implement something similar for a double click event on the xamDataGrid ?e.g. <igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=TradeResults}" MouseDoubleClick="{Binding Path=SomeMethod}"> I realise this syntax wont work but is there must be some way I can wire this event directly up to a ViewModel method..Does anyone know of a way this can be done without putting anything in the code behind file?Thanks in advance!
My question is - how to implement something similar for a double click event on the xamDataGrid ?e.g. <igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=TradeResults}" MouseDoubleClick="{Binding Path=SomeMethod}">
I realise this syntax wont work but is there must be some way I can wire this event directly up to a ViewModel method..Does anyone know of a way this can be done without putting anything in the code behind file?Thanks in advance!
Thanks for posting this question Ainsley - I was browsing this forum with the same question in mind..(in a SIlverlight context) :-)