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Validating input into a XamComboEditor against the bound list

I am having trouble forcing my XamComboEditor to validate any input against the list bound to the itemssource property while still allowing the combo editor text box to be editable.  This used to occur in the 8.x versions of the XamComboEditor but doesn't seem to work in 9.x.

Here is my code, defining the XamComboEditor:

<infragisticsEditors:XamComboEditor Name="cmbCurrency" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Currencies, Mode=OneWay, IsAsync=True}" ValueType="{Binding Path=CurrencyValueType, Mode=OneWay}" DisplayMemberPath="{Binding Path=CurrencyDisplayMemberPath, Mode=OneWay}" ValuePath="{Binding Path=CurrencyValuePath, Mode=OneWay}" Value="{Binding Path=Currency, Mode=TwoWay}" InvalidValueBehavior="DisplayErrorMessage" AlwaysValidate="True" IsEditable="True" DropDownResizeMode="None" Grid.Column="4"/>


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  • 54937
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    There was no automatic enforcement that an editable combo's value be a value from the list. When used as a dropdown style (i.e. editable) the end user is supposed to be able to type in values not on the list. You can look at the ValueConstraint (e.g. the Enumeration property of that) as a way to try to implement this or you can submit a suggestion for adding a property to enable this.

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