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DataBind XamRibbon.Tabs to view-model

We are evaluating the XamRibbon for use in one of our applications, and we have a string MVVM architecture.

Additionally, our UI is also considere to be 'data', in that, our domain determines what tabs will appear in the XamRibbon.

As such, it is necessary for us to 'data-bind' the Pages collection of the XamRibbon to our ViewModel to populate it, and keep it in sync.

Is this possible, and how would one achieve it? Obviously the ObservableCollection which is the Tabs property is read-only, and one cannot place a BindingElement within the XamRibbon.Tabs element itself...

  • 54937
    Offline posted

    Currently there is no itemssource that you can use to populate the tabs/contextualtabgroups so you would probably need to create a layer between the xamRibbon and your data source and have the layer listen for change notifications on your collection and have it add/remove RibbonTabItem instances as changes occur in the collection.