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HitText's XValue and YValue incorrect after chart resizes?

I'm plotting X-Y data using ScatterLine series in a XamChart.

I'm using the XamChart.MouseMove to display the X-Y values in a couple text boxes as the user mouses over the chart. Something like this:

void OnChartMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    var args = chart.HitTest(e);
    var x = args.XValue;
    var y = args.YValue;

    XValueTextBlock.Text = String.Format("X: {0:G5}", x);
    YValueTextBlock.Text = String.Format("Y: {0:G5}", y);

Everything works well until the user changes the application window size, resulting in a resized XamChart. After that, the values of HitTestArgs.XValue and HitTestArgs.YValue are incorrect.

Has anyone else seen this problem? Anyone know how to work around?