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Checkbox and EditModeEnding

I've got a xamdatagrid bound to a custom object. One of the fiels is a bool and as the default...the grid is using the xamcheckeditor as the control. That is all working fine. However, I need to know when the box is checked and unchecked so I can set AllowEdit on some fields depending on true or false. Here is my xaml....I wanted to use the EditModeEnding...and according to the checkeditor I should be able to specifiy that...however...I don't see that as an allowable parameter to set...any advice?








igDP:Field x:Name="UDFNameDataGridColIsDiscreet" Name="IsDiscreet" Label="Is Discreet?"










<igDP:FieldSettings CellWidth="150" LabelTextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" AllowGroupBy="False"












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