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Enable MenuTool bound to empty collection

I'm trying to use the MenuTool to present a list of attachments. So my scenario is as follows:
segmented MenuTool, bound to ShowAttachments commmand, with its items bound to some collection, as follows:

<ir:MenuTool ir:RibbonGroup.MaximumSize="ImageAndTextLarge"
LargeImage="{StaticResource sampleIcon1}"
Command="{Binding SectionDetails.ShowAttachmentsCommand}"
ItemsSource="{Binding SectionDetails.AttachmentsViewModel.SectionAttachments}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource attchmentMenuItemTemplate}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding SectionDetails.AttachmentCount, StringFormat={}{0} attachment(s)}"/>

with ItemTemplate defined as follows:

<DataTemplate x:Key="attchmentMenuItemTemplate">
<ir:ButtonTool Caption="{Binding FileName}" SmallImage="{Binding Image}" />

Everything is working fine if I have some items in SectionDetails.AttachmentsViewModel.SectionAttachments. Problem emerges when the colletion is empty: MenuTool is disabled (both the drop list and the button), and I can't invoke the associated command. Is there any way to enable the MenuTool's button if it's bound collection is empty?