I've used your winform controls a lot before but I'm now evaluating a WPF framework for another project. I'm on Visual Studio 2010 and using your latest 2010 Vol2. I'm testing out your XamDataGrid and I don't see any design time visual support in that I mean I drop a grid, I add a field layout, add some fields, but nothing renders in the designer. The only thing I ever see is that short bar.
I'm also evaluating Telerik and I do see the columns with their grid but I can't change their widths or anything interactively. At least displaying the columns is better than nothing at all, as I can change the width in the xaml to see it reflected in the designer.
I know your WinForm grid supports this. Am I missing or doing something wrong with your WPF grid?
Can you display the columns at desgn time? If not, when are you going to support this?
Thanks, that worked.
To the best of my knowledge the Fields in the FieldLayout are being generated based on the underlying object's type or the underlying collection's generic type. So, if you supply one at design time, you will see the fields.
<local:MyCollection xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfApplication6" />
public class MyCollection: ObservableCollection<Person>
If that is not an option for you, you may want to submit this as a suggestion here.
I'm not interested in see data at designtime. But I do expect to at least see the columns. I have a field layout and fields in the xaml, but they don't render. I experimented with the microsoft and telerik wpf grids, and theirs do show columns as soon as I put them into the xaml.
Are you saying the only way to even get columns to show up is to bind the grid to a static source?
If you bind the XamDataGrid to a static source that will retrieve the data before actually running the application, you will see the data and the columns in design time. Such sources are ObjectDataProvider, a static class or collection or an Xml source. For example, if you set the BindToSimpleData property to true, you will see data and fields from an xml source. You will not be able to adjust the fields through the designed, but any changes made in the xaml editor will reflect the design surface.