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XamDataGrid Validation using Exceptions in View Model

I want to turn off the "Unable to set cell value" pop up box. 

I bound the XamDataGrid to an observable collection and turned on exceptions and off notification like this:




XamDataGrid x DataSource="{Binding Members, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, NotifyOnValidationError=False}" ...

I have ViewModels for the window and ViewModels for the Members in the list.
in the MemberViewModel on one of the properties that is bound to the grid I throw an exception if the value does not pass validation logic. 

The Grid displays a pop up: "Unable to set cell value".  It does not use the message from the exception. 

I would like to turn off that pop up and provide my own before I throw the exception or something like that.  How can I do this?

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  • 12875

    Are you implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface?    Could you give me more information about how you are handling an invalid value?

    I think a small sample would be very helpful.  If you could attach it to this thread.


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