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How to change tile header background at runtime?

Widget Header Background Color:

My implementation : 
 I have used infragistic tile control for my widgets. For, widget customizations like iGoogle we have given one customization option Header Background Color. User can select any color from given list & when he/she saved this settings Header color will get changed on widget. This color is getting assigned by below css tag in TileGeneric.xaml

                 <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
                          <GradientStop Color="#FF8B8989" Offset="0"/>
                          <GradientStop Color="#FF333333" Offset="0.539"/>

Issue  :  How do I change this color at runtime?  If I give any color of my colorlist in above css tag then that is being applied on all widgets. But I want Header color based on user selection for particular to that widget & user's selection. And that is why I need to change header color at runtime.  

Description: E:\Documents and Settings\Bhavik\Desktop\HeaderColorProblem.PNG

Right Now, we are using label for header caption. So,I have implemented this with changing that label's background color. But that is not proper I know. The exact approach should be changing that css tag's color at runtime. 

Please guide me how to do that?