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Nesting in XamDataTree


I have a data class like this:

public class UICameraTree : NotificationObject
    private string _stakeholderName;
    private ObservableCollection<UICamera> _cameraList = new ObservableCollection<UICamera>();
    private ObservableCollection<UICameraTree> _cameraTree = new ObservableCollection<UICameraTree>();

    public string StakeHolderName
        get { return _stakeholderName; }
            _stakeholderName = value;
            base.RaisePropertyChanged(() => StakeHolderName);
    public ObservableCollection<UICamera> CameraList
        get { return _cameraList; }
    public ObservableCollection<UICameraTree> CameraTree
        get { return _cameraTree; }

And XAML like:

<ig:XamDataTree x:Name="CameraDataTree" Grid.Row="1" Style="{StaticResource DASXamDataTree}" ItemsSource="{Binding UICameraTree.CameraTree}" IsDraggable="True">
        <ig:CheckBoxSettings CheckBoxVisibility="Hidden" />
        <ig:NodeLayout Key="GroupLayout" TargetTypeName="UICameraTree" DisplayMemberPath="StakeHolderName"/>
        <ig:NodeLayout Key="ItemLayout" TargetTypeName="UICamera" DisplayMemberPath="CameraList\CameraName />

How can I get rid off "GroupLayout" and "ItemLayout" from the tree?

Thank you!
