Hi there,
when sending float values into a xamChart we currently experience that the decimal point is not shown in contrast to the datatype Decimal, where everything is correct. We even think that the converting is not only wrong for display, but also for calculation, because the graphs look different depending on the datatype. Our development environment is set to European locales (DE-AT, CZ etc..)
I would understand if it would be a permanent problem, but why does the behaviour change with the datatype?
regards Florian
Hello Florian,
I have tested this issue using XamDataChart and it shows the float data correctly. I would suggest you to use xamDataChart instead of XamChart.
Please let me know if you have any questions on this matter.
thanks for opening a case for us. I think we are not able to use XamDataChart as it belongs to the WPF Visualization license which we do not own (and it´s existence was just now revealed to me by searching for this xamDataChart on your homepage...) - We would love to see the xamChart being fixed.
Regards Florian
I have logged development issue 88664 regarding XamChart showing incorrect format for float type data in European locale. I have sent you more details in the case.