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xamdatagrid groupby column

I am grouping the xamdatagrid  with respective to column. and i have a button select all ..which should select all the records irrespective of grouping . We are using mvvm pattern in our project. We are using commands also .. 

How can i show all the records as selected.

In the codebehind i am getting the collection as group by record .. how can i access items from groupbyrecord type



  • 17559

    Hello cravika,


    I have been looking into your issues and regarding select all option I can suggest you check the following forum thread where I already answered to your question:


    Please notice that The GroupByRecord doesn’t directly refer to the item in your model because it is just a wrapper for the grouped information. Based on this it doesn’t have Item property and if you want to get its data you can access some of the following properties which the GroupByRecord provides:


    Value, ChildRecords, GrouoByField


    If you need any additional information on this matter please feel free to ask.