I have a XamDataGrid where I have Xamcomboeditors as the cell editor type. I have the property DropDownButtonDisplayMode set to MouseOver, however when I mouse over the cells with the combo editors I do not see the drop down button of the combo editor.
Hello Chris,
I created the attached sample application so I can test the issue with XamComboEditors and DropDownDisplayMode property in XamDataGrid. I couldn’t reproduce the behavior – the dropdown button is hidden until mouse hover over the cell. Could you, please, provide some more details or probably modify the sample application so I can investigate this further.
Thanks in advance.
I am still following this thread. I'm just checking if you've managed to resolve your issue or you still need our assistance on the matter.
Hi Everyone,
I want to permanent hide XamComboEditor DropDownButton and display a search image on the place of dropdown button, similarly like in attached snapshot. Is there any possibility to permanent hide it? I was go through all the properties of DropDownButtonDisplayMode but i was not found any property who hide it permanently.
Any update????
Hello Sufyan,
I have created a sample project for you with the functionality you want, Basically I copied the default template of the XamComboEditor, which is located here by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2013.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Editors\EditorsGeneric.xaml file
and I removed the ToggleButton from the Template. I also handled the Loaded event of the ComboEditor that is located in the EditTemplate and set the ToggleButton's Width to 0 there.
Hi Stefan,
Your provided solution is very helpful for me its solve my problem. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you resolved your issue and I believe that other community members may benefit from this as well.
Thanks again.