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Setting maximum width/height for bars in a BarSeries in xamDataChart

I have a xamDataChart control in one my applications which has a categorical Y axis and a numerical X axis.  The categories can change throughout the running of the application as they are constrained by a threshold value.

The issue is that the bars in the BarSeries are gigantic when there are only a few categories.  I would like to style the bars so that they have a maximum size in the non-data-driven dimension (height for me).  I've thus far not been able to find a way to do this.  

Thanks in advance for any help.

  • 138253
    Offline posted

    Hello Joseph,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into and I can suggest you set the CategoryYAxis’ Gap Property. This way you will increase the space between each bar, which will reduce their size. You can also bind this Property and use a Converter in order to change its value based on the number of Bars you have.


    Hope this helps you.