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Handling XamDataGrid filter value in MVVM friendly way

I am using XamDataGrid in an MVVM application and trying to figure out the recommended way to handle grid filter value/selection change in the ViewModel. So I created an attached property that handles RecordFilterChanged event as shown below. When I modify a filter value on the grid I see that the property RecordFilterChangedCommandChanged never gets executed. Am I handling the wrong event here or something else is wrong?



public static readonly DependencyProperty RecordFilterChangedCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RecordFilterChangedCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(XamDataPresenter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((string)null, RecordFilterChangedCommandChanged));

public static void SetRecordFilterChangedCommand(DataPresenterBase grid, ICommand command)

 grid.SetValue(RecordFilterChangedCommandProperty, command);

public static ICommand GetRecordFilterChangedCommand(DataPresenterBase grid)

 return grid.GetValue(RecordFilterChangedCommandProperty) as ICommand;


private static void RecordFilterChangedCommandChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

 DataPresenterBase presenter = (DataPresenterBase)d;
 presenter.RecordFilterChanged += (o, ea) =>{

 ICommand command = (ICommand)presenter.GetValue(RecordFilterChangedCommandProperty);
 object commandParameter = presenter.GetValue(RecordFilterChangedCommandParameterProperty);




b:XamDataPresenter.RecordFilterChangedCommand="{Binding RecordFilterChanged, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"

b:XamDataPresenter.RecordFilterChangedCommandParameter="{Binding ActiveDataItem, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}