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How do you flatten hierachical data into a single row?

As in:

class Customer


  List<Orders> Orders;

  string Name;


class Order


  string Product;

  decimal Price;


If I want a single row that looks like below, with NO drilling, simply spanning.

Customer | Orders


Jon Doe | Plasma TV | $999.00

             | DVD Player| $399



I know you can set ColSpan and RowSpan on the Fields, but how do you actually express that a Field contains a collection that shouldn't be "drillable"? If you set IsNestedDataDisplayEnabled="False" then it simply doesn't show any of the collection.

 For example:


   <DataPresenter:Field Name="Name" Label="Customer Name"/>

   <DataPresenter:Field Name="???Orders????" Label="Fund Manager"/>


 I considered writing code to dynamically generate the FieldLayout and Template, but then I'm still stuck with how to navigate down the object tree.


field.Name = string.Format("Orders[{0}].Product", fundIndex);

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.