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Possible bug in Datamapping


I'm using a XamChart to show some data which periodically changes, binding to a collection whose elements implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
This is the code I wrote:


<igCA:Series Label="Patient Height" ChartType="Column" DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource PatientData}}" DataMapping="Value = Height; Label = Name" />


With this code, the chart doesn't receive any change notification and it is never updated.
After one day of investigation, I found out that the DataMapping property has to be written with Label first and then Value, as in the following line:


<igCA:Series Label="Patient Height" ChartType="Column" DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource PatientData}}" DataMapping="Label = Name; Value = Height" />


No ordering of the couples inside the DataMapping property is specified in the help,is it a bug or something is missing in the documentation?