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Multiple pages layout

we are updating a supervisory and control system for a large medical machine that was partly build in windows forms with your tools.

Now we need to go also mobile, but we would like to have a single development environment and framework. Thus we chose Xamarin for our purposes.

We have to plan a way to setup the layout of our applications . I am trying to see if AppMap is the suitable tool. I prepared a schema (attached) that more or less represents the layout of one of our normal application as they are made in WinForms.

It generates correctly the project and also compiles and the application starts. But as soon as I try to open the first MasterDetail the application breaks in the debugger and stops working if I continue.

Now I am wondering if AppMap supports such layout or it is only foreseen for simpler layouts.

By the way I noticed I cannot use a MasterDetail as a Child of a Tabbed page. Is it true?

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    You actually have a lot of issues with that layout.  For example, after you login you are navigating to a MasterDetailPage. The issues is that your LogIn page is wrapped in a NavigationPage, then you push a MasterDetailPage onto the stack async.  This is not recommended.  It is never a good idea to wrap a MasterDetailPage in a NavigationPage.  You should also be performing an absolute navigation from Login to your MasterDetilPage. This will remove the LoginPage form the stack and set the MainPage to the MasterDetailPage. Now your users hit the back button and not see the login page again.  You also cannot have a MasterDetailPage be a Detail of a MasterDetailPage.  This is not allowed.  You also cannot have a MasterDetailPage be a tab/child of a TabbedPage.  That is not allowed either.  You are also creating too many NavigationPages.  Some platforms, such as iOS, will throw an exception if you improperly nest your NavigationPages.

    I recommend taking some time to study up on Xamarin.Forms page types and navigation paradigms.  Once you understand how navigation works in Xamarin.Forms, the AppMap will make much more sense.
