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Prism Event Aggregator public class SectionSelected : Behavior { public SectionSelected() { eventAg = new Prism.Events.EventAggregator(); } public SectionSelected(IEventAggregator ea)

Hello, since there is no bindable property in the Infragistics data grid for selected items, I am using an attached method. From the attached method I publish an event. Then the ViewModel would receive the event and record the selected items.

My problem is that the view model is not seeing the event.

I am using the event aggregator in Prism. I can not find any examples of sending an event from a plain class (not a view model) to a view model. In the view model the event aggregator is supplied by the DI container but the attached method requires a empty default constrictor, so I am constructing it there. I am not sure what the DI container is doing (perhaps a singleton?). Has anyone done this? I don't see any other clean way to get the selected items to the view model.

 public class SectionSelected : Behavior<XamDataGrid>

        public SectionSelected()
            eventAg = new Prism.Events.EventAggregator();

        public SectionSelected(IEventAggregator ea)
            eventAg = ea;

        IEventAggregator eventAg; 
        protected override void OnAttachedTo(XamDataGrid grid)
            grid.SelectedItemsChanged += Grid_SelectedItemsChanged;

        private void Grid_SelectedItemsChanged(object sender, GridSelectedItemsChangedEventArgs args)
            XamDataGrid grid = (sender as XamDataGrid);
            if (grid.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                Section selectedItem = grid.SelectedItems[0] as Section;


        protected override void OnDetachingFrom(XamDataGrid grid)
            grid.SelectedItemsChanged -= Grid_SelectedItemsChanged;
