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APPMAP Failure in VS 16.7.3 - Seems it wont work with .NET 4.0 for Xamarin

So spent about 1.5 hours laying out APPMAP setting up a new Project.

Only to find what it created is not compatible with .NET 4.0 of Xamarin

No Xamarin.Forms.Platform etc

Is this product no longer viable? Please advise ASAP

Thank you

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Customer,

    The most recent version of AppMap for Infragistics for Xamarin.Forms currently creates Xamarin.Forms projects targeting .NET Standard 2.0. This is also the .NET requirement for our current versions of the Xamarin.Forms toolset, which may not be compatible with .NET 4.0.

    For a full list of supported environments for the Infragistics for Xamarin.Forms toolset, I would recommend taking a look at our Supported Environments page, here.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.