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Changing Brushes property on the fly does not work

I have a StackedBarSeries XamDataChart where I update the data every 30 seconds.  The data update via bindings does properly get reflected in the chart.  However, when I update the Brushes property of the XamDataChart via bindings, the colors used in the chart are not updated.  If I force a redraw by resizing the screen, then the colors are updated.  What can I do to force the colors to be updated on the screen when the Brushes property is updated?  Is this a bug?



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  • 28496
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    As long as the property you're binding to implements INotifyPropertyChanged or is a Dependency Property, it should work. I tested this out using the attached sample application, and it seemed to be working okay. Does this work on your end? Is this basically the same approach you were taking to change the brushes?