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Hi, We have a Sharepoint List that has Product Items and MTD Sales Column with a Forecast Column. I am struggling to get a Bar visualization that would show when Sales have reached to forecast. My issue is around the "Bounds" it takes the highest and lowest numbers as a total of all items I would like to show each line as a separate Bar so that it would be green, yellow, or red based on the line item not on the whole list. Each of the below items I would like the bounds to be based on each item not on the total highest or lowest number. Any Ideas on best way to do this or show this information.

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  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi Justin,

    What product of ours are you using or planning to use for this?  Infragistics Reporting (which was retired)?  ReportPlus?  I want to make sure you get the appropriate help for the platform you are using.

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