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IgGrid :Selected Row in First IgGrid to second IGGrid


I Have Scenario, First IGGrid showing all records its working fine for me and  if  I select Particualr row in First IGGrid  to Bind Second IGGrid using MVC. 

First IGGrid Bind Code:


function EditRow(contactID) {
if (!contactID) { return; }
id = '@Url.Action("TeamTaskView", "TeamTaskScreen", new { Area = "" })' + '?contactID=' + contactID + '&type=internal';, "_blank", 'toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1');

function initClientClaimsGrid(clientClaimsList) {
var $grid = $('#clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-grid');
dataSource: clientClaimsList,
primaryKey: "contactID",
autoCommit: true,
autoAdjustHeight: true,
autoCommit: true,
columns: [
{ key: "contactID", hidden: true },
{ headerText: "Assigine", key: "Assiginee",width:"20%" },
{ headerText: "Description", key: "Description", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Status", key: "status", width: "5%" },
{ headerText: "StartDate", key: "StartDate", width: "10%" },
{ headerText: "EndDate", key: "EndDate", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Patient", key: "Patient", width: "20%" },
{ headerText: "Client", key: "Client", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "ProviderName", key: "ProviderName", width: "10%" },
{ headerText: "PreScreen", key: "PreScreen", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "ForensicDueDate", key: "ForensicDueDate", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Priority", key: "Priority", width: "10%" },

headerText: "", key: "Edit", dataType: "string", width: "10%", unbound: true, allowFiltering: false,
template: "{{if ${Assiginee} }}<input type='button' onclick='EditRow(${contactID})' value='Edit' class='delete-button'/>{{/if}}"

headerText: "", key: "Comment", dataType: "string", width: "10%", unbound: true, allowFiltering: false,
template: "{{if ${Assiginee} }}<input type='button' onclick='CommentRow(${contactID})' value='Comment' class='delete-button'/>{{/if}}"

autoGenerateColumns: false,
features: [
name: 'Updating',
editMode: 'none',
enableAddRow: false,
enableDeleteRow: false
name: 'Selection',
mode: 'row',
multipleSelection: false,
activation: false,
//rowSelectionChanged: showDetails
name: 'Sorting',
columnSettings: [{
columnKey: 'contactID',
allowSorting: false
}, {
columnKey: 'Assiginee',
currentSortDirection: 'ascending'
name: 'Filtering',
columnSettings: [{
columnKey: 'contactID',
allowFiltering: false
name: 'Paging',
pageSize: 10,
showPageSizeDropDown: false
}, {
name: 'Resizing'
(function ($, ko) {
var $container = $('#clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-container');
var id = "@id";

var ClientClaimsModel = function () {
var self = this;

url: "@Url.Action("TeamTaskSearch", "TeamTaskScreen", new { Area = "" })",

data: { contactID: id }
}).done(function (data) {
}).fail(function (jqXHR) {
}).always(function () {

url: "",
data: null
}).done(function (data) {
var viewModel = new ClientClaimsModel(data);
var part = document.getElementById("clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-container");
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, part);

})(window.jQuery, window.ko);

First IGGrid Bind Controller :

public async Task<JsonResult> TeamTaskSearch()
var TeamTask = await this.handsService.GetTeamTask();

if (TeamTask.Data != null)
var jsonResult = this.Json(TeamTask.Data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;

return jsonResult;

this.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
return null;

Second IGGrid Bind code:


function initClientClaimsGrid(clientClaimsList) {
var $grid = $('#clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-grid');
dataSource: clientClaimsList,
primaryKey: "contactID",
autoCommit: true,
autoAdjustHeight: true,
autoCommit: true,
columns: [
{ key: "contactID", hidden: true },
{ headerText: "Creator", key: "Assiginee",width:"20%" },
{ headerText: "Created", key: "Assiginee", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Due", key: "ForensicDueDate", width: "5%" },
{ headerText: "Started", key: "StartDate", width: "10%" },
{ headerText: "Ended", key: "EndDate", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Assigned To", key: "Patient", width: "20%" },
{ headerText: "Priority", key: "Client", width: "15%" },

autoGenerateColumns: false,
features: [
name: 'Updating',
editMode: 'none',
enableAddRow: false,
enableDeleteRow: false
name: 'Selection',
mode: 'row',
multipleSelection: false,
activation: false,
//rowSelectionChanged: showDetails
name: 'Sorting',
columnSettings: [{
columnKey: 'contactID',
allowSorting: false
}, {
columnKey: 'Assiginee',
currentSortDirection: 'ascending'
name: 'Filtering',
columnSettings: [{
columnKey: 'contactID',
allowFiltering: false
name: 'Paging',
pageSize: 10,
showPageSizeDropDown: false
}, {
name: 'Resizing'
(function ($, ko) {
var $container = $('#clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-container');
var id = "@id";

var ClientClaimsModel = function () {
var self = this;

url: "@Url.Action("TeamTaskView", "TeamTaskScreen", new { Area = "" })",

data: { contactID: id }
}).done(function (data) {
}).fail(function (jqXHR) {
}).always(function () {

url: "",
data: null
}).done(function (data) {
var viewModel = new ClientClaimsModel(data);
var part = document.getElementById("clinicalreview-clienttab-clientclaim-container");
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, part);

})(window.jQuery, window.ko);


public async Task<ActionResult> TeamTaskView()

return this.View("_TeamTask_View");

Please help it.

No Data
  • 25665
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    I have some follow up questions concerning this matter:

    What is the issue you are having with the second grid?
    Is the grid not populating?
    Before you populate the grid with data on selection of row in first grid do you already have the second grid created or are you only creating it when you first try to populate it?
    What is the behavior you are trying to achieve with this setup?

No Data