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Set width of Column conditionally

Hello there,

I'm trying to set the width of a column on a Grid conditionally but struggling with binding on the events to do so.

Context: Razor views/MVC 5

The condition is a property on the c# Model on the page. i.e. Model.ShowColumn.

This is the setup of the grid.


I've tried a few things to bind onto this and then set the width of the column to 0 (i.e. not show it) but with no luck.

Method 1

$('#@Model.GridId').on("iggridrendering", function (evt, ui) {
var message = "iggridrendering";

Method 2

rendered: function (evt, ui) {
var isProductionSite = '@Model.IsProductionSite' == '@true';
if (isProductionSite) {

var cols = $('#@Model.GridId').igGrid("option", "columns");

var addressTypeColumn = _.findWhere(cols, { key: "AddressType" });
addressTypeColumn.width = 0;

Please advise.


No Data
  • 1235

    Hello Jagdip,

    Setting a column in the igGrid to hidden should happen before the data is rendered. To do so, either set the column's "hidden" attribute to true on the column definition:

        columns: [
            ... ,
            { key: "HiddenCol", dataType: "string", hidden: true },

    Or change the hidden attribute of a certain column on dataRendering event. For example:

        dataRendering: function (evt, ui) {
            var columns = $("#grid").igGrid("option", "columns");
            for (var i = 0 ; i < columns.length ; i++) {
                if(columns[i].key == "HiddenCol") {
                    columns[i].hidden = true;

    Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

    Ivaylo Hubenov
    Entry-level developer
