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I can not see the themes

I installed the theme but I can not see the themes, only have one ( If I click on the button )

thank you

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  • 6120
    Offline posted

    Hello Serdar,

    Please clarify if you are talking about AppStylist themes or VistualStudioTemplates. In the install setup screenshot that you posted here you have selected VisualStudioTemplateGallery which will install the VisualStudio templates but not the AppStylist themes.

    You can find AppStylist themes if you go to Public Documents folder on your machine and then navigate to the following folder:
    \Infragistics\<version>\Windows Forms\AppStylist for Windows Forms\Styles

    Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

    Sahaja Kokkalagadda
    Associate Software Developer
