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Datagrid auto scrolls to the end of column

Our application has 6 fixed left columns and an array off secondary data columns (scrollable). When viewing the data on an iPhope our grid is always offset to the end of the column causing the label to initially be hidden. (See screenshot for reference) As soon as we slide to reveal the label it is ok, so there is no issue with frames or anything of that nature. 

I have tried to make the gridview auto scroll to a view at position (0,0). I am curious as to what this could be. I have searched cell properties and grid properties to try and find something dealing with justification or cell alignment. Any help is much appreciated! 

  • 40030
    Offline posted

    Hi Mike!

    Hmm.. thats strange. You shouldn't have to do anything.. but yea setting the contentOffset property should work as well. 

    I tried reproducing the issue, but didn't have any luck. 

    I've attached my sample, can you try it out on your end and see if you can reproduce it?

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